Promo Codes
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Stay up to date on offerings and promos by joining Jimmy John’s Freaky Fast Rewards®
Get in on the action. Earn a free sandwich after your first qualifying purchase with Freaky Fast Rewards®. As a member, every order placed earns you progress towards your next surprise reward, with additional perks like bonus rewards, challenges, and Achievement Badges in the Jimmy John’s app. Whatcha’ waiting for?
Where do I enter a promo code?
Enter your code at checkout when ordering online or through the Jimmy John’s app. On the website, enter the Promo Code in the Review Order section of the checkout page. On the Jimmy John’s app, click on Promo Code and enter the code into the Promo Code pop up.
How do I stay up to date on Jimmy John’s promo offerings?
Join Jimmy John’s Freaky Fast Rewards® and we’ll let you know what promos we’re running!
Do I have to be logged in as a Freaky Fast Rewards® member to use a promo code?
No! Jimmy John’s promo codes are available for all online or app orders that meet the promotional requirements.
Can I redeem rewards and use the promo code at the same time?
Unfortunately, no, promo codes cannot be used with reward redemptions or other offers.
Can I use a promo code with group orders?
Unfortunately, no, currently group ordering is not included in promotional offers.